PARENTS of children with specific learning difficulties are invited to a seminar where an expert will speak on behavioural conditions.

Wigan and District Dyslexia Association kick-off the new academic year with another day conference "The Way to Success"on Saturday, September 28, at Wigan Pier.

It's a must for anyone involved with children who are affected by any of the specific learning difficulty profile of conditions.

Jan Poustie, a respected authority in the field will speak on dyslexia, behavioural conditions, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, autistic spectrum disorder, Asperger's syndrome, Tourette's syndrome, dyspraxia, auditory processing disorder, near vision dysfunction, ME, diet and the latest research into essential fatty acid deficiency.

The association has been working with Wigan Local Education Authority for over two years to promote inclusive dyslexia friendly schooling with the intention to get fully qualified multi-sensory teachers into all borough schools.

Two years ago, thanks to the initial efforts of Leigh businesswoman, Shirley Longley, the group organised a specialist diploma course to train 40 Wigan and Leigh area teachers in multi-sensory teaching methods which are needed to educate children with specific learning difficulties.

Wigan LEA are continuing the process and a third course is running this month for which teachers can still apply.

For more information on either the conference or course ring 01257 404505 or 07740080935 or email