DANIEL Berry was centre of attention at a party thrown by his parents to say "thank you" to all those who have helped him get where he is today.

A year ago 17-year-old Daniel was diagnosed with leukaemia, and despite a shaky start, a trip to a specialist hospital in Texas and numerous ups and downs,he is now firmly on the road to recovery following a successful bone marrow transplant in May.

During that time the local community have done the Berrys, of Crosby Grove, Atherton, proud, pulling out all the stops to raise thousands of pounds for Daniel and this was their chance to say thank you.

In a speech at the party Daniel's mum, Elaine said: "This is a celebration of Daniel's life. Our family has been through so much and everyone here has helped and supported us and we want to take this opportunity to say thank you. Daniel has been incredibly brave and we are so proud of him."

To see the brave teenager laughing and enjoying himself with friends and family at the party, held at The Atherton Arms at the weekend, you would never believe the year he had endured.

Weekly blood tests

And, although he has now passed the important 100-day mark after his transplant, Daniel will continue having weekly blood tests and quarterly bone marrow samples until doctors can be sure the cancer is fully in remission.

Daniel's bone marrow transplant was made possible by a donor from the Anthony Nolan Trust, and Elaine and Gary, who will be eternally grateful to the charity, are keen to encourage volunteers to sign up to the register.

"I know there are others going through what Daniel has been through and we have so much to thank the Anthony Nolan Trust for. All we know about Daniel's donor is that she was female and aged 48. In time I would like to get in touch and thank her for what she has done. She has saved our son's life.

"To become a donor you need to be between 18-40 years-old and in good health, you only need to provide a blood sample and may not be called up for years, but once on the register you could directly save a life."

The Berrys are now hoping to return to a normal life, looking forward to Daniel's 18th birthday next month and a special family holiday to Aspen in Colorado after Christmas, granted by the Make A Wish Foundation.