Human rights? Is it not a right that each and every individual should have free access to toilet facilities in this township of Leigh, courtesy of council tax?

Recently my daughter had a necessity when calling at the DHSS in Windermere Road, only to find they were out of order.

Bengal Street, despite publicity, were closed (as usual), Leigh Library refuse to allow just anybody to use their facility, so the nearest toilets were in McDonalds. Oh I forgot, there are toilets in what passes for Leigh Town Hall, on the first floor, but not many people know of them. And in Woolworths if partaking in refreshments.

Since local councillors are charged with providing local amenities I challenge any one of them to qualify their failure to provide adequate toilet facilities 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Leigh boasts a population of approximately 100,000, each of whom require the necessity to indulge in what is a perfectly normal function of every animal, human and insect.

Ooops! I forgot, Leigh bus station do offer some facilities -- a long way from Windermere Road and closed on a Sunday.

Is there any councillor willing to disclose what they do, when caught short of the necessary facilities, when in such a personal predicament? A secret shared may be a problem solved, although admittedly pigs might fly.

Taking matters a stage further. Why is Leigh's 'pedestrianised' town infiltrated with cyclists who ignore every conception of the highway code?

Furthermore, why is it that I witness regularly the rabble -- of whom it is boasted have been removed from the Town Hall Square -- sitting comfortably on the pavements and verge in Union Street as large as life.

Councillors, you may kid some of the people with your photo-calls, but your waffle and incompetence in the discharge of your elected duties does not go unnoticed. Excuses are not acceptable. Either serve the electorate or stand down.

Name and address supplied