CHILDREN and teenagers across the district face the closure of their favourite clubs and societies because of new rules about police checks.

This week one local scout group was forced to close its doors because parent helpers had not been vetted by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB).

The 1st Carnforth Scout group says it is impossible to function without parent helpers and has closed until the adult volunteers have been vetted.

This could take up to six weeks or more.

The new rules, which require all adults with close contact to children to have police checks, could force the temporary closure of scout and guide groups, sports clubs, cadets, youth bands, dance groups and others.

School terms have already been delayed due to the backlog of checks at the CRB and everyone who has contact with children is affected.

"We've been advised that, before we let parents have contact with children, they must first be checked," said the leader of 1st Carnforth Scout group, Val Foster.

"We rely on parent helpers so this has made the running of the club impossible.

"We've decided to close while they get clearance and then we should be okay.

"It is a bit like red tape gone mad, though the need for checks is understandable.

The question is, where does it end?

What about casual helpers on days out? It could get ridiculous but once the children walk through the door they become our responsibility."

The scout and guide movement has been advised to comply with the Child Act guidelines as but, as its implications filter down, there are many children's activities that could be affected.

David Gillespie, whose grand children attend the 1st Carnforth group voiced his concerns and said: "We've got to be careful but not paranoid.

"It's the children that are losing out.

I agree with police checks on people who work with children but checking parents who want to help out is a bit much."