A LANDLORD has resorted to selling bottled beer after his cellar was flooded for the third time in two years.

Bryn Williams, of the Buck Inn, Cowpe Road, Waterfoot, said ten barrels of his best selling ales were destroyed when 4ft of water washed into the pub during torrential rain on Monday night.

Mr Williams, whose family have been at the pub for six years, said they have been flooded five times.

They have tried various methods of flood defence but all have been to no avail.

Mr Williams, 62, said: "When we were flooded the first time the brewery came out and put new flooring in the cellar as well as a pump.

"This time the pump couldn't handle all the water that came down, even the firebrigade with all their equipment were still here four hours later.

"It is a nightmare because I am going to have to claim on the insurance which I don't think they will like. I dread to think what my premium is going to be after this.

"We can cope when it floods slightly, but when it comes 4ft high there is not a lot you can do without all your stock being ruined."

A row of nearby terraced homes in Hardman Avenue were also flooded by 2ft of water.

Sub officer Nigel Boden who attended the floods said the problem needed a long term solution to prevent it from happening again: "It is not the first time we have been called out here and no doubt it won't be the last.

"The problem is with the drainage in the fields behind the houses.

"When the rain comes down like it did on Monday night it cannot cope with the quantity of water coming off the hillside."

Mr Williams added: "I am going to have a meeting with somebody from the council, so hopefully we will be able to come up with a solution."