THE Leigh branch of the Royal British Legion is winning its battle for survival.

Despite setbacks since the closure of the Windermere Road club two years ago the old war heroes are still going strong.

At last week's monthly meeting in Leigh Conservative Club three new members attended and more inquiries have been received.

President John Corbett said: "We have been fighting to stay in existence and I'm glad to say that the British Legion is still working for the benefit of ex-servicemen.

"We still need more to join up, and especially some willing to work on the committee. Younger ex-servicemen and women would be very welcome."

The Armistice Day parade in Leigh will go ahead as normal this year and will be lead by the Leigh Silver Band.

Anyone who wishes to order a wreath to be placed at the cenotaph should contact Derek Robbins on 672800.

The Poppy Day collection will also be taken as usual. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month in the Railway Road club.