PLANK Lane's new community bobby PC Steve Marsden really cares about his new beat -- he was born and brought up there.

As one of his first duties ex-Mersey Streeter Steve called a public meeting in St Peter's Church for a dual purpose.

He wanted to introduce himself to the people of his patch and help to get them working together to sort out the area's problems.

He discussed starting a Homewatch Scheme and forming an Estate Residents' Association at the meeting which was attended by representatives of both youth services and the housing association.

PC Marsden said: 'When you are born in a place you always care about it.

Left out

"There is a small residents' association in the area already but from what I can gather the people at the Common Lane end of the estate feel a bit left out.

"I want to get them all working in the same direction to take pride in the area. It can be just as good as the so-called posh areas if everyone pulls together. We've got to get the residents motivated.

"Everyone on the estate is invited and will be welcome at the meeting to have their say."