Seafood surprise - VEGETABLES or minced beef or lamb are the usual mainstays of a lasagne -- but trust the Feilden's Arms at Mellor Brook to devise a tasty alternative.

The North West's own celebrity chef, Nigel Smith, a favourite on Gloria Hunniford's afternoon show on Channel 5 and chef patron at the Feilden's, has this week produced a recipe for fish fans -- salmon and shrimp lasagne.


1 x 8oz salmon fillet

3oz brown shrimps

1 tsp chopped dill

50ml white wine

100ml cream

Cooked lasagne sheets

4 shallots, diced

1 lemon

BLANCH the sheets of lasagne in salted water for four minutes, then plunge into iced water until cold.

Gently poach or steam the salmon fillet. When cooked, flake into a bowl with the shrimps and dill.

Sweat the shallots and add the cream and wine, reduce slightly. Pour this on to your fish mix.

Season with salt and pepper and add lemon juice.

Layer the lasagne and fish mix in a suitable dish and steam for five minutes.

Serve with parsley, new potatoes, spinach and asparagus.