AN organist who was in New York at the time of the World Trade Centre attacks yesterday played a commemorative recital as the clock struck 1.46pm, exactly one year on from the tragedy.

John Bertalot treated a 100-strong audience to a one-hour recital at Blackburn Cathedral, which he said was a 'great privilege'.

The recital was timed to allow for a one-minute silence marking the tragic death of 2,801 people.

Canon Andrew Hindley called the gathering a 'unique occasion' and a time to reflect on the images 'we will never forget'.

Dr Bertalot moved to England four years ago to become an organist with the diocese. He was in New York with friends last September 11 and was alerted to the disaster when his television went off. The picture suddenly vanished so I knew something had happened" he said.

"For some reason two of my friends did not go into work that day so were saved but so many other lives were lost.

"I was in Manhattan the day before, admiring the majesty of the towers. They were such beautiful buildings and the American people are very strong to have recovered from such an appalling tragedy."

Dr Bertalot played seven pieces, five dedicated to the World Trade Centre disaster. They were received by a solemn audience.

"It was a very moving performance" said Kate Cowell, of Mustard Seed House, Fishmoor Drive, who came to the service to pay tribute to those who died in the attacks.

She said: "The shock at the time was almost too much and it took a long time to realise what was happening and the consequences."

Father Denis Blackledge, who was also in the audience, said: "It was very moving to see the red flames of light coming through the windows from the sun during the performance. Events like this make you bitter or better and many of us feel the need to be compassionate, not passionate with anger."

A commemorative multi-faith service was also held at the Cathedral last night.

Other services were held at Whalley Abbey and at Burnley Peace Gardens.

In Accrington, traffic came to a standstill for the minute of silence at 1.46pm. Green watch fire crew along with police officers from Accrington, Great Harwood and visitors from other divisions stood to attention in front of three fire engines.

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