AN Accrington watering hole is organising a charity pub-crawl with a difference.

Thwaites' Adelphi Hotel has urged its regulars to strap on their trainers for a sponsored run for the Magic Eye Appeal, with the finishing line coming in the form of a beer festival!

The 'Fun Run and Stagger' takes place on Sunday, September 29, starting at the Adelphi, Eastgate, and finishing at The Magnet, Blackburn Road, Haslingden.

"It's around five miles, mostly uphill, so they'll certainly develop a thirst by the end. And what a way to quench it", said landlord Chris Murley.

"We considered asking people to run back as well but after a few hours at a beer festival the only way they'll return is in a taxi".

Along with wife Lynn, Chris came up with the fundraising idea after learning of Thwaites Sunshine Bonanza Initiative, which offers a week in Tenerife for the most money raised by a single pub. It would be nice to win the holiday but the main aim of the run is to raise tons of cash for a very worthy cause," he said.

"We've got around 20 participants so far but we're after more. So anyone who fancies some exercise, sampling a few beers and doing their bit for charity is welcome to join us."

Some of the Adelphi regulars and their youngsters are pictured outside the pub, preparing for the Fun Run and Stagger for the Magic Eye Appeal.