RUSH hour driving is bad enough at the best of times and unattended road works don't help.

For well over a week now there's been a hole in the road near Daisy Hill station which is barricaded off with traffic lights controlling the area.

Honestly it can't be more than 10 yards all considered but its causing some infuriating traffic snarl-ups.

And the annoying thing is that every time I have driven through there's not been a workman in sight.

The straw that broke the camel's back came on Tuesday when I was late into the office after being held up in traffic heading for Leigh which was backed up to Cricketers Way --and the lights were letting five vehicles through before changing.

I rang Transco who are supposed to be working there to see what's going on.

I'm told they're dealing with a gas escape -- but the man in charge couldn't be contacted. I wonder why that does not surprise me?

Why can't roadworks be done around the clock until they are completed instead of left to cause chaos?