I MISSED the first editions of prime time "Bargain Hunt" because the wrong start time was imprinted on my brain.

However, when I did manage to tune in I failed to see half of that because I was trying to get through to the competition line which, as I expected, was permanently busy.

When I did succeed, I repeatedly pressed the right answer but was told my phone was not compatible.

It looks like a new one is on the agenda, but it'll have to wait, there's more pressing needs.

Why does everything have to go at once? After the hoohah of getting my digi box fixed for an advanced fee of £60, (and they've still not been back with it), the telly blew up so I returned it to a specialist Bang and Olufsen dealer. I was astonished to have to pay £20 just to leave it.

I was told it'll cost £45 for the technicians to open it up and diagnose the problem. Then goodness knows how much it'll be to fix it.

It's coming to something when customers have to pay for services in advance. How do we know if they'll do a good job?

The problems didn't finish there though. Within days the metal strips fell off the brushes of my vacuum cleaner and the CD on my midi player decided to call it a day.

It's a good thing they're not the necessities of life!