THERE is surely no defence when speeding. Whether you are caught speeding intentionally or accidentally, you still have broken the law.

Such a simple criterion should be accepted by everyone, especially those 'law abiding' citizens who have been writing complaining how they had been stopped for speeding.

Today, people are so much in a hurry while driving cars that they simply are ignorant or don't care about the effect their reckless driving has on others. Imagine a vehicle of over two tons hitting you or your child -- not a nice thought. Tragically, this is mainly the end result of those exceeding the speed limit.

When I first learned to drive over 15 years ago I was told by my instructor that you should never, ever speed, no matter what the circumstances or urgency. It puts other car drivers at risk.

So why the letters defending an issue which is indefensible?

CADE FOSTER, Moor Field, Whalley.