REGARDING your report (LET, September 7), the most dangerous road in the county, the A682 Nelson/Gisburn, evidently does not qualify for some stationary speed cameras as there is obviously insufficient volumes of traffic using it for them to 'raise revenue.'

What do the public get instead? A police officer's time, a rather expensive 'fully liveried' police vehicle and the associated electronic wizardry of a mobile speed camera!

Another road, not much safer than the A682, the 'Grane Road' from Blackburn to Haslingden also suffers from a lack of fixed speed cameras.

Were the real purpose of speed cameras admitted by the Lancashire Partnership for Road Safety, then perhaps the ever-demonised motorist would have a just case to take to the European Court for victimisation.

But, of course everyone knows that they will never admit to the cameras being 'revenue raisers' as the fatalities/serious injury accidents prove with their grim figures.

By all means, have a mobile speed camera situated there on occasions, but a couple of fixed cameras in the correct locations would drastically reduce the amount of accidents. Unfortunately, they would not raise too much revenue for their purposes!

Safety has never been the aim of the glut of cameras, but money to keep traffic police snug and organisations such as the LPRS in business is now plain for all to see.

HARRY ROBINSON, Juniper Court, Woodside Road, Accrington.