ANGRY Rachel Knott has "slammed" Bury Council after being presented with a whopping £678 bill for a new front door!

Rachel (18) was stunned when she received the bill last week.

She said: "Back in April my key snapped when I put it in the lock. It was in the early hours so I had to get my boyfriend to kick the door open.

"The next morning my boyfriend phoned the council to explain what had happened."

The wooden door and casing was replaced and Rachel, who lives alone at the house in Five Quarters, thought no more of the matter until the invoice arrived.

"I couldn't believe the price, it's ridiculous," said Rachel. "I phoned the council and told them they must be joking, but they said I'd have to pay.

"I've only just started a job after being unemployed and even though the council said I could pay off the bill at £10 a week, it's still going to cause me problems. I've also been told that if I miss a payment I will have to pay the full amount."

A spokesman for Bury Council said: "As part of the tenancy agreement Miss Knott accepts responsibility for normal wear and tear on doors and door features. In addition she accepted responsibility for the damage and signed a form agreeing to cover the cost of replacement and repair."

But Rachel claims she only signed the form to confirm the work had been done and in the belief that the repairs would be paid for by the council as the snapped key was not her fault.