A SPILT drink in a pub led to a tug of love for karate experts Yvonne and Mark Basnett.

The couple have just married, five years after their unusual first meeting in a Radcliffe pub.

Yvonne had a drink spilled over her accidentally and Mark gallantly stepped in to help.

The couple started dating and were amazed to discover they shared an energetic hobby. Not only are they both karate crazy, but Yvonne and Mark are also black belt holders.

Yvonne has been practising karate for the past seven years after enjoying judo as a youngster and wanting to learn something which would keep her fit at the same time as protecting her.

Mark has taken part in karate for the past 20 years and is a full-time teacher.

Yvonne started helping Mark teach classes two years ago and despite the odd disagreement, they have struck up a happy working relationship.

Yvonne said: "Everyone always assumes we met through karate, but it was just a total coincidence that we met in a pub.

"We do have minor disagreements over teaching because Mark thinks about the way a man would perform a move, but I can always offer the woman's perspective and remind him that we're not quite the same shape and size as men!"

The couple, both aged 39, have four children between them from previous relationships and live in Radcliffe.

Mark runs the "Dai Ichi Ryu" karate centre in Adelphi Street, Radcliffe, but also teaches with Yvonne in Little Lever and Farnworth.

Yvonne will soon be giving up her job teaching dental hygiene in schools to help Mark out full-time giving classes to women-only groups and mother and toddler groups. They are also planning to open a shop at the Radcliffe centre, selling martial arts products as well as creating their own website.