A DRINK driver who had two bottles of the alcopop WKD thought they were not strong alcohol, a court heard.

Burnley magistrates heard how Darren Jackson's car had overturned onto its roof and he needed treatment from paramedics after the late-night smash in Fence.

Jackson, 30, of Barden Lane, Burnley, who has changed his name from Campioni by deed poll, admitted driving with excess alcohol. He was given an interim driving ban and his case was adjourned until September 18.

Joanne Shahzada, prosecuting, said police were called to the accident at 11.40pm, in Cuckstool Lane, Fence.

An officer went with the defendant to hospital and, when he was fit enough, he was breath tested. He gave a positive sample and when he was discharged he was arrested and taken to the police station.

The lower of two police station breath tests showed 58 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath -- the legal limit is 35.

Trevor Grice, defending, said when police arrived, Jackson was sitting on an embankment and they would have had great difficulty proving he was the driver of the car. The defendant had owned up to the fact he had been behind the wheel and had pleaded guilty.

It was Jackson's first conviction for excess alcohol although he had a previous conviction for driving while unfit through prescribed drugs. He was not a regular drinker and would never go out and deliberately drink and drive.

Mr Grice said Jackson had had two bottles of WKD and did not think they were strong. On the way home, he clipped the grass verge as he took a bend.

The solicitor added the defendant had a serious heart problem and would be having an operation. He also had knee problems and suffered from depression.