AN ex-soldier found with cocaine claimed it was amphetamine, Burnley Magistrates heard.

The court was told how slaughterhouse worker David White, 21, lied to the police because he thought he would get lesser punishment.

White, of Hawarden Street, Nelson, admitted possessing cocaine and was given a 12 months conditional discharge with £65 costs.

He had no previous convictions but had a caution for possessing cocaine.

The court was told how the defendant told police he bought the drugs in The Swan in Burnley but did not know the name of the person who sold it to him.

David Lawson, defending, said it seeemd cocaine was now taking over from ecstasy as a recreational drug. The defendant had had 561 miligrammes of cocaine, which was consistent with personal use.

It was his first appearance in court and hopefully it would serve as a reminder to him that if he continued in this way the likelihood was he would be punished more severely in the future.

Mr Lawson said the proceedings had been a sobering experience for the defendant.