GENEROUS Hoppers gifted Nuneaton the match giving away four of the visitors' five tries.

In a poor first half the only real quality move brought a try for Nuneaton on 21 minutes when Lee Cassell sold a huge dummy and exploded through a huge hole in the defence with centre Ricky Hyslop supporting to cross under the posts.

Hoppers then pressed the self-destruct button. First Cassell ran in to score from near the halfway line. Then Tuihalamaka made a terrible pass to nowhere on his line for Hyslop to score and then had a kick charged down behind his own line which gave fellow Tongan Sikuti Vunipoloa try.

After the break Hoppers fought back when slick passing put Gary Monaghan in at the corner for a try. Viney then instigated a fine try scored by Paul Bailey before Tuihalamaka put over a penalty.

Hoppers had chances to score more but then gifted a fourth try to the opposition's Gary Marshall.

Hoppers were not finshed and a vintage try and conversion by Monaghan, who scattered the defence from the halfway line, was too late to affect the outcome.

Hoppers can take some encouragement from the performance but in the end paid the price for making too many basic errors.

It could prove to be a difficult season if these problems are not addresed

Grasshoppers 22 Nuneaton 34