SUPERGRAN Betty Hart's 100th birthday celebrations really took off in style -- when she went on her first-ever flight.

And, as she stepped happily from the helicopter which had just taken her on a magical mystery tour of East Lancashire, the normally-teetotal centenarian said: "Now I need slurp of champagne!"

Betty, a resident of Parrock House retirement home, in Barrowford, conquered her fear of flying and went up in the world after 99 earthbound years.

Before take-off she surveyed the magnificent flying machine and told relatives and friends: "I don't think I'm looking forward to it now. I've got a lot of butterflies.

"I've never been up in the air before, you know."

But unbowed, she slipped into the front-row seat next to pilot Frank Owen and waved royally as the chopper headed off to fly over Nelson golf course, where Betty was a member for 50 years.

"They all stopped playing to wave up to us," Betty beamed afterwards.

The flight also took in Barley and Clitheroe. "It looked just like a map," she said.

Betty was able to keep in touch with pilot Frank, thanks to earphones and a mike. "She never stopped talking the whole way round," he said. "She loved it."

The airborne century celebration was set up by granddaughter Lynne Rushworth, of Pendle Avenue, Barley.

"We thought she really has everything she needs, so what could we do that was a bit different," Lynne recalled.

"We gave her plenty of warning and I think she was actually looking forward to it," she said.

The flight took off into a clear blue sky from the grounds of Nelson and Colne College because the gardens at Parrock House were too small, said joint home owner Val Roberts, who accompanied Betty on the 20-minute journey into the unknown.

But how were Val and care assistant Dorothy Lord going to get Betty's feet back on the ground when she arrived back at Parrock House?

"Actually, we're having a big party. We've a magnum of champagne ready," Val said.

Meanwhile, Mayor of Pendle Councillor Pauline McCormick, lent Betty the mayoral limo for the day -- and the first-timevirgin flyer was whisked away to continue the 100th birthday treat of a lifetime.

And the Mayor's verdict? "What a star!"