PLAYTIME'S really out of this world for St Annes youngsters who have a new £26,000 climbing frame and play area to explore.

The "Galaxy" climbing frame, made by Danish play equipment company Kompan, has been installed on a play area at St Annes promenade, along with a new safety surface and two picnic benches, as part of improvements to playgrounds across Fylde borough.

The new Galaxy frame -- a curved steel structure with sturdy climbing nets and suspended seats -- stands on the promenade play area next to the trampolines at St Annes.

Beside it are new picnic tables and "spicas", spinning poles with platforms for youngsters to stand on and "experiment with movement".

Fylde Borough Council already operates a rolling programme to renew playground equipment across the borough.

But the council decided to go for something new after a survey last year revealed that children thought the current playground equipment was "old-fashioned and lacked interest".

To help it survive the seaside weather and salty air the Galaxy frame is made from galvanised steel. And to cushion any falls, the frame stands on rubber padded matting.

A council spokesman commented: "It's play equipment, but not as we know it. But from initial observations the equipment appears to get the thumbs up from youngsters."

But he urged locals to get in touch and tell the council what they think of the new equipment. "The council is keen to get responses from children using this innovative equipment before introducing this approach elsewhere in the borough.

"Let us know what you think by contacting the council's outdoor recreation officer, Geoff Willetts on 721222."