A BURY telecommunications company is staging a special seminar to brief businesses about the benefits and security implications of the Internet.

The free IP Telephony event is being held by Pennine Telecom at Blackburn Rovers' Ewood Stadium. And delegates can have their photograph taken with the Worthington Cup.

Pennine, one of the county's leading independent telecoms companies, has organised the seminar which will take place on Thursday, September 26. The aim of the event is to showcase the latest information and advice on the Internet Protocol (IP) revolution that is sweeping the world.

Businesses visiting the seminar will have the chance to try out a new telephone switch, the Avaya IP Office, which uses the latest IP technology to allow even the smallest firm to fully utilise the opportunities offered by the convergence of data and voice into one system.

Len Rushton, Pennine's customer services and marketing manager, said: "If businesses want to know more about IP telephony and how it could benefit their companies, then this seminar is a must for them."

Working with the Bury company's partners, including BT, the event will demonstrate how companies can speed up their communications and save money with BT's broadband services.

There will be a presentation on Internet security and another on IP principles and applications explaining, in layman's terms, how IP technology integrates voice and data.

Les added: "We will also demonstrate how we can meet and supply all business communication needs through our concentration on high customer service standards which, when matched with our highly trained technical engineers and established partnerships with leading suppliers, forms a truly powerful combination."

Besides being an information seminar, it will also be a "fun day" with every delegate attending getting a free FIFA World Cup football souvenir.

There will be entry to a free draw for tickets and hospitality to a Premiership match and a buffet lunch.

Anyone wishing a free ticket to attend the seminar should call free on 0800 633333.