LEIGH EAZ project director Alan Dutton has been handing out start-of-term congratulations.

Reports of exam successes at all 26 schools within the Education Action Zone has left him euphoric -- and he has written to every headmaster with words of encouragement.

In the week that Leigh EAZ launches into its final full academic year, Mr Dutton is reflecting on another successful year with 2002 Key Stage 2 SAT results at Zone schools showing another overall rise in attainment.

He said: "In English, raw figures show, as a Zone, we are now at an average of 74% for children achieving Level 4 - a 15% rise since the inception of Leigh EAZ.

"In mathematics the average for Level 4 shows a year's average of 72% -- an 11% rise since the Zone started."

The high-profile GCSE examinations have also shown remarkable successes at both Bedford High and Westleigh High with a staggering 10% rise in the number of children hitting 5+ A* C results at Bedford and a 3% rise over 2001 at Westleigh.

Mr Dutton added: "I congratulate all Zone schools on their efforts in the last academic year and promise that our staff will again provide all the support we possibly can in the challenging task of continuing to raise attainment."

The new academic year begins with two new headteachers within Leigh EAZ -- Anne McNally at St Joseph's RC and Anne Bowyer at Westleigh Methodists.