I COME to the defence of my friends -- the alcoholics and beggars who frequent the area round the city centre.

I do not believe for one minute the accusation levelled at them that they are 'terrorising' members of the public in the Church Street area, as reported in The Citizen (September 5).

This is a ridiculous accusation by upper class business proprietors.

To the public eye the alcoholics and beggars would appear, on the surface, a rather rough bunch and at times their manner can be a little uncouth. But I have yet to see any one of them causing great disturbance among the public. In fact, I have witnessed on many occasions the public giving quite generously either food or drink, without any prompting on behalf of the beggars.

I believe it is an inappropriate accusation.

I have given personal support to these, my friends, for quite a long time and I am not ashamed of it or of them.

I would like to commend the minister of Fishergate Baptist Church along with his colleagues and volunteers who so generously and compassionately provide food and drink for these human beings every Monday evening at the church.

As for the leadership of the night shelter in Fox Street I would like to bring to their attention what the Lord Jesus taught -- 'Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in hither the poor......and the blind'. And the servant said, 'Lord, it is done as thou hast command, and yet there is room.' And the Lord said unto the servant, 'Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled'. (Luke 14:21.23)

Michael Norris, Higher Croft, Penwortham.