STRATEGIES for tackling late-night trouble in Poulton were outlined by police at a public meeting of Wyre Police Forum.

Residents have been increasingly concerned about difficulties created by pubs and clubs in the town and at the meeting in Wyre Civic Centre, Inspector Richard Devicki spelled out what was being done.

There were extra patrols at weekend, working with licensees and using the police CCTV van. They were also working with the council to look at siting of taxi ranks to disperse people more effectively and were objecting to any more licensed premises in Poulton.

"There are strong feelings from people locally that there are enough licensed premises.

"The licensing magistrates made a good decision when they turned down the last licence."

People at the meeting were also worried by youths causing trouble which, Insp Devicki recognised, was a problem across the borough.

He said that a new youth shelter at King George V Playing Fields, Thornton, would help and they were using the youth referral scheme which included contacting parents and involved schools and youth workers.

There was support for police strategies to tackling speeding traffic and suggestions for the siting of speed cameras.

"People recognise cameras should be put in places where there is a proven record of road casualties. However, people are also concerned about speeding vehicles on roads in their neighbourhoods where there is not a proven track record."

Insp Devicki said they would listen to the feed back and consider putting speed patrols in those areas.