WHEN Michael Crane sets out on a 1,000 mile charity cycle ride this weekend it will be for a cause that's close to his heart.

Michael, 42, of Moss House Road, Blackpool, is cycling from Land's End to John o'Groats with two friends, to raise money for Breast Cancer Care. Just, seven years ago, his wife Beverley was treated for the disease.

"I had planned to do the trip and my wife suggested that I should raise money for a good cause at the same time. Breast Cancer Care seemed like the obvious choice," explained Michael, an operational team manager at British Nuclear Fuels.

Michael, whose wife is now in remission, is setting off with two friends, Tony Conboy, of Fleetwood, and Peter Bolton, of Bamber Bridge. They plan to complete the trip in 12 days.

The challenge will be even tougher because the trio will be unsupported throughout. That means that there will be no back-up vehicles carrying supplies -- they'll be doing the hard work themselves.

"We'll be carrying our spare cycling gear and clothes on our backs so that adds about four to five kilos to the weight," says Michael.

"I've been training since April, cycling the 20 mile round trip to work and up to the Lake District every week. We plan to cycle 50 to 70 miles a day depending on the weather and terrain and we'll stay at hostels.

Michael plans a night off in the comfort of his home when the team reaches Preston.

So far he has raised £800 in sponsorship -- but is still hoping for more.

If anyone wants to sponsor Michael he can be contacted on 01253 761908 or call Stephanie Brunton on 0207 384 4631.