PARENTS are putting their own children in danger with poor road safety habits.

Dangerous parking near schools and crossing the road in the wrong way were some of the faults under fire at the launch of a new scheme to improve road safety near school gates.

"People feel that by bringing their children to school in the car they are protecting their safety," said Coun Fred Jackson.

"But at the same time some parents are making it a danger by parking in the wrong place and creating hazards for other children."

Coun Jackson, was at Claremont Primary School to launch an initiative which will see schools equipped with no parking cones to place around the entrances. There will also be a series of Kerbcraft road safety courses to teach children about crossing the road.

"We are trying to make parents aware of the danger they are placing children in," said Coun Jackson, council portfolio holder for urban environment.

Parents ignored zig-zag and double yellow lines making crossing almost impossible with people dodging between vehicles.

"Parking near the gates literally endangers everyone attending school."

The launch also spotlighted bad road safety practice which parents were passing on to their youngsters.

A survey had shown that 74 per cent of parents did not use zebra crossings if they were in a hurry and 22 per cent admitted crossing the road while talking or texting on a mobile phone.

"All of these bad habits are being learnt by our children and their future road sense is being seriously hampered," said Coun Jackson.

The Kerbcraft scheme aims to teach by example and is seeking volunteers to show children five and six the basic skills for crossing the road. To help, or to get a leaflet on teaching children road safety, contact the road safety team on 01253 476107.