MAY I fully concur with the letter written by Mrs Jackie Forsyth on August 29.

In Cleveleys I have observed shopkeepers sweeping litter out of their premises onto the pavement. Considering that many of them own the area outside, in that they display goods or serve food or drinks outside, one would think that keeping the area clear would be a priority.

In Church Street, Blackpool, I was appalled at the dirt and debris in the area, and that the drunks were back outside the church surrounded by the mess they make.

I was under the impression that they were banned from congregating in numbers. I remember how they caused problems around the Grundy Art Gallery.

However, my wife informed me of the possibility that the church, as a sanctuary, may be offering help, and food and warm drinks.

Observing the huge number of cans and bottles around the church, and the manner of the derelicts is a poor advertisement for Blackpool as a family resort.

When, I ask, will Blackpool get the message. Rather than prestigious things or events, the town could do with two more mobile sweepers and a high-pressure hose van. Church Street is not littered, it is filthy, observe the chewing gum covering. Clearing must be constant, rather than occasional.

Two weeks ago, I observed an elderly man, in the usual council uniform, picking up litter outside the Grand with a brush and plastic bin. How modern, how high tech, how farcical in this day and age. Get with it Blackpool.

AH Franks, Crossway, Cleveleys.