UNIVERSITY research just released in Australia should interest Citizen readers. It indicates that addiction to Vegas style jackpot slot machines is not any type of mental health condition. It is the natural consequence of their design and presentation.

The option to gamble again and again with a new coin every few seconds is very significant. A large number of 'near' jackpot wins is programmed in to the machines. Free meal vouchers, free drinks and free tokens for this and that, are carefully designed to make gamblers forget just how much they are losing.

In the US free stretch limo to another casino and free accommodation for regular clients is common. For high rollers (big losers) $1million of credit and call girls are provided unofficially.

The research indicates it can take two or three years for gamblers to go through the phases of addiction. From casual visits every month or two, half of current gamblers now play the machines once or twice a week for two or three hours.

Those in the early stages of problem gambling admitted that they have started to 'chase their loss(es). That is to come a second time every week to try and win back what they lost on their 'main' visit. Australia has had the type of gambling expansion planned for Blackpool for eight years.

It is totally different from the current UK situation. These machines are much more compulsive than buying a lottery ticket or the occasional flutter on the horses.

Researchers found that the most regular users of the slot machines, were the most reluctant to analysis of their habit.

They fear they have only uncovered a fraction of the problem. Our leaders wanted the gambling spotlight on Blackpool, stand by for lots of media coverage of lives ruined by Blackpool casino slot machines.

Blackpool Coalition Against Gambling Expansion.