A strong argument for town centre living has been put forward by Blackburn and Darwen Borough Council and a town centre shop owner.

They believe that Blackburn town centre will benefit from converting buildings into flats and upper-floor houses.

Peter Kuit, head of planning at the authority, said: "We are trying to encourage more use of buildings in the town centre for homes.

"Town centre housing is increasingly seen as crucial for vibrant and effective town centres.

"Part of this will involve developing the perceptions of Blackburn town centre into a place where private developers will come and create housing."

John Vaughan, who runs The Record Exchange in Higher Church Street and lives in the town centre himself, said: "I think there is a need to get more people living in the town centre to make the area more vibrant.

"I welcome this." The calls come after a number of cities like Manchester have undergone a complete change after similar schemes were launched, now they are some of the most exclusive places to live in the country.

Blackburn Council's ideas have also received support from another corner -- Burnley Borough Council.

Michael Wellock, head of local planning, said: "We certainly have similar aspirations.

"Our plans are not too different because they are part of a national planning policy from the government.

"It looks at a mixed use of town centres that not only uses shops, pubs, clubs and restaurants, but homes as well.

"It is hoped that this will solve some of the problems of town centres becoming dangerous at night.

"We also have plans to encourage people to live above shops and we have allocated a number of shops in the town centre for residential use."