In spite of such arguments many people feel that converting buildings in Blackburn town centre would simply not work.

They look at the realities of living in the town centre as it is now and they point to a number problems.

Helen Duxbury, 47, of Hawkshaw Bank Road, Blackburn, said: "I don't think it would be a good idea and I wouldn't want to live there.

"It would be nice to live in the town centre and feel safe but you don't, I wouldn't want to live there at the moment.

"When I walk about now on an evening I don't feel safe."

Her 20-year-old daughter Hannah, of Stonyhurst Street, Blackburn, was of a similar mind.

She said: "I can't see how you can make the town centre residential it should just be for shops and pubs.

"I don't think it would be a good idea you just wouldn't feel safe.

"If I lived in the centre, in the winter time I would have to walk home from work in the dark and I wouldn't want to do that."

Helena Price, of Pleckgate Road, Blackburn, said: "People used to live in the centre 20 or 30 years ago but I wouldn't want to now, things have changed.

"It's not a good idea, it's not as safe as it used to be.

"Nowadays there's also problems of traffic and congestion. Now they've pedestrianised lots of the town centre I find some of the roads are dangerous to cross and some don't have pedestrian crossings.

"If I lived in the town centre I would have to cross these all the time and I wouldn't like that."

Michael Wellock, of Burnley Council, also had reservations about town centre living as well as his positive views.

He said: "Town centre living has an image associated with vibrant city centres and trendy lofts. In many ways it would probably be very different in East Lancashire than it would be in the major cities."