THE GCSE exam results got their usual dressing down by the wet blankets of Bury.

Every year our young people excel, and every year there's talk of how easy the tests have become. I sat mine in 1981 and was told almost immediately how they were "nowt compared to what they used to be". But don't be discouraged Year 11.

I recently had the pleasure of organising and attending a reunion of classmates at the Two Tubs in Bury. The Derby School "Class of 81" have turned out a reasonably well-balanced lot. Most were settled into careers and married with children. Those who weren't were happy with their lot in life. The exam results we achieved were varied and had little to do with where we ended up. I hadn't seen most of them in 20 years but would be glad to count any one as a friend.

Exams are a focus. They should help you see what is possible. Think about where you want to be in five, 10 or 20 years and go for it. Most importantly, don't listen to the sad nobodies who delight in belittling your efforts. Bury should be proud of its future. Top marks, Year 11.


Chesham, Bury.