I OPERATE a business in Church Street, Radcliffe, and I signed Mr Higginson's petition against the proposed "information centre" having listened to his views. They are nothing like he has been accused of on this Letters page.

These correspondents are misinformed and to suggest Mr Higginson's views are bigoted and racist is simply outrageous. If Mr Lees and Mr Marsh (Yours Truly, Sept 5) are so committed to this idea, why don't they offer their own front rooms as a drop-in centre?

My business opens quite late when Radcliffe town centre is quiet. I have all the mod-cons in security and a partner there, but I was still quite scared by the type of people who visited, not just lived at, the former hostel. I remember the problems all too well.

Radcliffe has, I understand, a maximum of four policemen to deal with the whole town. The station, as with many these days, is frequently unattended and anything other than a 999 call may not even be answered. No matter how great the assurances, when the chips are down the resources will be nowhere to be seen.

People like Mr Higginson warned against the hostel and were ignored. How much did that fiasco cost the ratepayer and local businesses? Are we going to be ignored again?

Each of these needy groups may have merit, but there are centres for them in Bury already. Those wanting to use it could be given free Metrolink travel and the council would still end up better off. If this centre, or a museum, is the best idea on offer then maybe the building should just be knocked down.