DURING discussion at the Radcliffe Area Board meeting regarding the proposal for a resource centre offering advice for older residents, the unemployed, amenities for the young and incorporating the Citizens' Advice Bureau, Mr Neil Higginson and his business colleague confusingly mixed bigotry and negativity with some genuine, positive debate.

At one point they stated that since the issue regarding the future of elderly persons' care homes was now resolved, older people would not need a resource centre. What nonsense, and what a lack of compassion they showed. Not all older people live in care homes and those living in loneliness and experiencing hardship would welcome access to a centre such as the one proposed.

Although the idea is that the centre would be an amenity for the whole population. Mr Higginson and his colleague target asylum-seekers and others in need, who they class as "the dregs of society", yet who will make up a relatively small proportion of the large numbers eligible to use it.

They are attempting to appeal to the worst elements in our society, instilling fear in people whilst at the same time hypocritically claiming that they are acting in Radcliffe's best interests. Never once did they put forward any realistic ideas which would assist in the provision of social amenities for Radcliffe.

The aim of Mike France of Bury CVS is to regain the sense of community that once prevailed in Radcliffe and, indeed, in the rest of Britain. Let us all get back to a way of life when people could walk the streets in safety at all times. Society now is fragmented; whole groups are being isolated instead of living together in a state of mutual respect and tolerance.

I do not wish to live in a Radcliffe where human beings are described as "dregs". I want a society where all are considered equal and treated equally and fairly. I do not want the sort of "dog eat dog" society which Mr Higginson and his colleague seem to advocate.

In acting in such a deplorable manner they have brought much discredit to the otherwise good name of Radcliffe's business community.

DEREK SANDFORD, Bury Street, Radcliffe.