THE son of a Bury mechanic has renewed his appeal for help to solve a 28-year murder mystery

Tom Hewitt was beaten to death with an iron bar at his garage in Bright Street in September, 1974.

The police investigation into the murder extended as a far as New Zealand, but to this day Mr Hewitt's killer remains at large.

Mr Hewitt's welder son Paul, aged 35, who lives in Nottingham, visited his father's grave in Astley Bridge on the anniversary of his murder just as he does every year.

"It was three weeks before my eighth birthday that my father was killed," said Mr Hewitt, who is married to Rebecca and has four children.

"I am always wondering what happened, I just want to know the truth. Did he upset someone by ripping them off over a clutch? Was it something more serious, or was there some other reason we don't know about?"

After splitting up with Paul's mother Pam, Tom Hewitt lived with a woman called Sylvia in Rosedale Avenue, Sharples, Bolton, for four years before his death. They had a son called David and were due to marry just weeks after the murder.

Paul added: "I can't stop thinking that the person who did it is still out there."

Bury CID received some calls after last year's appeal, but no significant new leads. It is a possibility that the killer is either dead or will identify him or herself in a death-bed confession.

Anyone with information is asked to ring Bury CID on 872 5050.