A DISABLED pensioner visiting Bury to attend her grand-daughter's wedding fell victim to a baby-faced handbag thief.

The incident has shocked detectives after a boy, believed to be aged just 13, snatched the handbag of Mrs Briel Laffin, from the back of her wheelchair as she sat in Hoyles Park.

Her 83-year-old husband, Thomas, attempted to catch the thief, despite walking with sticks himself.

The theft on Saturday afternoon (Sept 7) was one of SEVEN in the borough in the past week.

Mrs Laffin's family are now offering a £1,000 reward for the return of a silver crucifix and an unusual bracelet which was bought in Saudi Arabia by her son. Also stolen with the bag was a cash gift for her grand-daughter, Mrs Diane Gunnell.

The incident happened on Saturday afternoon in Hoyles Park just hours before the elderly couple were due to fly home to Dublin.

Mrs Gunnell, who married David the day before, said: "My grandparents have only visited Bury twice and I don't think they will ever return because of this.

"I come from a very big Irish family and we are all very upset and angry that someone could do this to an old woman."

Her grandparents had flown over for the ceremony, despite Mrs Laffin recovering from a hip-replacement operation less than a month ago. The couple stayed at the Village Hotel in Bury.

Mrs Gunnell, of Bell Lane, opposite the park where the bag was taken, said: "No words can described what kind of person the thief is. I just hope he is arrested by the police and properly dealt with.

"I am desperate to trace the bracelet and, more importantly, the silver cross. It was my grandmother's great-grandfather's and it has been passed down to the family over the years. It is worthless in monetary terms, but has great sentimental value to my grandmother."

Mr and Mrs Laffin had gone to Mrs Gunnell's home by taxi but discovered the newly-weds had gone out.

Mrs Gunnell, who is heavily pregnant, said: "It was raining and my grandparents went into the park to find shelter.

"My granddad just turned away for one second when the thief grabbed the bag. He chased after him but he walks with sticks and had no chance of catching the lad.

"A number of people from the pub and a woman shopper took care of them until family members turned up."

The Gunnells have visited a number of pawn shops in the area in a bid to try and find the bracelet and silver cross but to no avail.

Any information leading to the return of the family relics should be passed on to Bury police on 0161 856 8150.

The thief could only be described as white, aged about 13, and wore dark clothing.

In the past week, thugs:

Attacked a woman (77) as she walked along Ormond Street, Bury, at 4.30pm last Friday (Sept 6).

Pushed a woman (61) to the ground in Hornby Street, Bury, at 5.30pm last Friday.

Mugged a woman (35) as she got out of her car in Ripon Close, Whitefield.

Struck when a female motorist (71) had a side window smashed and her bag taken in Kings Road, Sedgley Park, Prestwich, at 1.50pm on Monday (Sept 9).

Targeted a female shopper (49) at Tesco in Prestwich at 3.20pm on Monday.

Knocked a woman (30) to the ground in Stanley Road, Whitefield, at 5.30pm on Tuesday (Sept 10).