JANE, who helps raise awareness of the Pets As Therapy charity, owns four dogs. Two are PAT dogs visiting hospices, nursing homes or rehabilitation units to win friends among children and adults who have had difficulty relating to people.

Jane's favourite place in the county is not far from her home in Ramsbottom -- Holcombe Hill, a vast expanse of moorland which is also home to Peel Tower, a monument dedicated to the founder of the police force, Lancastrian Robert Peel.

Whatever the season, Jane loves to take her four border collies, PAT dogs Bess and Misty, 15-month old rescue dog Sheba and six-month-old Moss, another rescue dog who is expected to become a PAT dog, to Holcombe Hill.

She said: "The moorland is superb for walking. It is lovely in summer and nice in winter. It's such a large area that you can go walking and maybe not meet other people, or there can be people around but it is not overcrowded at all.

"It's a lovely place to go -- you can forget everything and really enjoy it."

PAT is always looking for friendly, placid dogs and cats and owners with a few hours to spare to go visiting -- contact Jane on 01706 827354 for more details.