...with VIVIEN ALKER, 33, Sunday People Super Mum of the Year

MEMORY: My mum going off to hospital to have my younger sister. I remember standing at the bottom of the garden with my older sister and our dad as mum was getting into the ambulance and shouting to her not to have a boy. I didn't want a brother.

HOLIDAY: Pontin's at Southport when I was about eight. It was a happy holiday and I didn't want to come home.

HOME: Mowbray Avenue in Blackburn with my family -- mum, dad and two sisters.

JOB: I was a care assistant when I was 16, looking after elderly people at Rockmount in Preston New Road, Blackburn.

DAY AT SCHOOL: I remember my first day at nursery because I cried so much mum had to bring me home.

AMBITION: I always wanted to be a teacher. My mum said I used to play teachers with my two sisters so it was good training for what I do now. During the day I am a full-time teacher, a behaviour specialist, going into primary schools where there are children with behaviour problems. It's very rewarding when they settle down. I also lecture at Runshaw College in Leyland.

HERO/HEROINE: My mum and dad. My dad (Doug Alker, of East Lancashire Deaf Society) had meningitis when he was two and it took away his hearing. My mum Elizabeth has helped me a lot with my daughter Kara, who is now 15.

PET: A Jack Russell dog called Fergie.

RECORD: Video Killed the Radio Star by The Buggles.

FIRE WALK: I have done two, organised by East Lancashire Deaf Society. You get two hours' training and it becomes mind over matter -- you get so wound up you don't think about it and just stomp across it. It doesn't even feel hot.

AWARD: I won this year's Sunday People Super Mum of the Year competition and have reached the final of Lancashire Woman of the Year 2002.