A MAN who injured a doorman following his ejection from a Chorley nightclub has been jailed -- and ordered to pay his victim compensation.

Dean Royle threw a single punch which resulted in the man suffering a nasal fracture.

Preston Crown Court heard that he could not remember carrying out the attack, but accepted That friends said he had done it.

Royle, 27, of Cameron Croft, Chorley, was jailed for 12 months and told to pay £750 compensation. He had pleaded guilty to a charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm outside the Abyss nightclub, in Market Street, Chorley, in January.

Mr Patrick Thompson, prosecuting, said that at about 1am the door supervisor, David Guest, was asked to help escort the defendant from the club.

Afterwards, Mr Guest was standing on the steps when he was struck in the face. He was later taken to hospital, where it was found he had a nasal fracture and a titanium plate was used to treat the wound.

Royle accepted in police interview that he had been ejected following an argument, but said he had lost a gold chain and was trying to get it back.

As a result of the attack, his victim had been unable to sleep at night, suffered a loss of smell and lost about £1,000 in earnings, added the prosecution.

Mr Ian Dacre, defending, said Royle recalled very little of the incident. "He does remember being manhandled out of the club by a number of door supervisors.

"Even to this day he doesn't recall striking the man, but he has been in conversation with friends who were there at the time and effectively said 'you've done it'."

Judge Michael Byrne told Royle that custody had to follow.

"Gratuitous violence like this cannot be tolerated. There was no basis for your behaving in this way," he said.