LOVERS in East Lancashire seeking a recipe for the perfect romance are being offered a special family secret which promises to bring results.

Blackburn florist Mumtaz Kidi has launched a campaign to put the spice back into her customers' love lives.

She is adamant that all they need is the right blend of the exotic and aromatic for passion to boil.

Mumtaz, who has run Flowers and Spice, Railway Road, for six months, will give out her own secret family recipe for a curry which should see things hot up.

The young businesswoman, who specialises in exotic flowers and aromatic spices, laughed: "A bouquet and a nice meal have always been the perfect combination to put a bit of spice back into your life and we have always provided something a little different.

"But the recipe will show my customers what spices they need to combine to produce a wonderful home-cooked curry which will lead to the perfect romance.

"I was brought up with Indian cooking at home and the skills and techniques have been passed down to me so I know they work."

Flowers and Spice will holding a special open day to launch the campaign on Wednesday, September 25.

Mumtaz went on: "The whole idea is to make it a fun and interesting day. We are having a buffet of Indian food in the shop between 11am and 2pm to show people what can be created using the various spices.

"We will also be able to introduce people to the unusual flowers we stock, too."

Mumtaz has been given help by the free business mentoring scheme Guardian Angel Entrepreneurs Network since launching her unusual but interesting shop.

"I have worked in the industry for many years but going into business for oneself is a daunting prospect.

"The Guardian Angel scheme has given me the chance to get honest, impartial and free advice and support. They've even helped me with the Spice Up Your Life campaign".