BURNLEY Garrick Club has announced an exciting programme of plays for its coming season, ranging from a Broadway classic to an Alan Ayckbourn comedy.

The first production of the new season will be Rattle of A Simple Man by Charles Dyer, a gentle and moving look at loneliness and unlikely friendships.

Directed by Clifford Spencer the production will run at Burnley Mechanics from October 2 to October 5 and star Adrian Hartley, Louise Bradshaw Evans and Stephen Dixon.

The full programme for the Garrick Club is November 20 to 23, The Late Edwin Black; January 22 to 25, Harvey; February 26 to March 1, The Gingerbread Lady; April 9 to 12, Double Cut and May 21 to 24, Relatively Speaking.

Tickets for the first production available from the box office at Burnley Mechanics on 01282 664400 and season tickets for all six plays, costing £24, from Martin Chadwick on 01282 439997.