A PREGNANT woman was terrified when confronted by a raider in her home, a court was told.

Burnley Crown Court heard how the woman found Micheal 0'Brien, 29, 'high on drugs', rifling through her property with socks on his hands.

Her husband chased after the defendant and his accomplices James Brennan, 25, and Thomas Browne, 24, and sat on one.

Sentencing the trio, Recorder Heather Lloyd said the offence was nasty and all three knew they faced custodial sentences of some length.

She told O'Brien, who carried out another raid, that both included property of high value and were committed on consecutive days.

The judge said greed may have been a factor in the three getting involved in the offence and said all had pleaded guilty - but then they had been caught red-handed. All had supportive familes.

Recorder Lloyd told the defendants: "All of you have a wish to reform in one way or another.

"I hope while in custody you will take advantage of what is on offer and that your resolve will continue."

O'Brien, of Branch Road, Burnley, was jailed for three and a half years. He admitted two counts of burglary and theft.

Brennan and Browne, both of Brownhill Avenue, Burnley, were each sent to prison for two years. Both pleaded guilty to burglary.