POLICE in Burnley today fired a warning shot to street level drug dealers after a gang of 12 received more than 40 years behind bars.

The dozen were arrested by police during a series of morning raids carried out in the town as part of Operation Monaco in June.

All 12 are now beginning lengthy prison sentences after being convicting of various offences relating to the supply and control of drugs in Burnley.

They include sentences of up to five years and between them the gang face a total of 41 years.

Speaking after the court proceedings, Detective Inspector Simon Leach, of Burnley CID, said: "We are extremely pleased with the sentences which will not only serve as a warning to other local drug dealers but also give the local community some confidence in coming forward with information about suspected offenders."

Operation Monaco, which took six months to plan and involved around 250 officers, was carried out as part of the Safer Streets in Lancashire campaign, in direct response to concerns expressed by the public in the Burnley Task Force Report about street level dealing of heroin and crack cocaine.

The twelve convicted are:

Bob Blanch, 46, Arran Street, 4 years

Sharrel Walker, 38, Constable Avenue, 3 years 9 months

Mark Winchester, 36, Howard Street , 3 years 4 months

Martin Green, 39, Howard Street, 3 years 4 months

Penny McVay, 28, Herbert Street 3, years 4 months

David Binns, 32, Cog Lane, 3 years 4 months

Gary Parkinson, 38, Southey Street, 3 years 4 months

Jose Lorenzo, 35, Scott Terrace, 3 years 4 months

Gail Grogan, 31, May Street, 3 years 4 months

Alexander Glover , 39, Beckenham Court, 3 years 4 months

Shaun Hennessy, 48, May St, 12 months

Darron Crossley, 31, Daneshouse Road, 5 years 7 months.

Inspector Leach added: "The supply of drugs and the crime that this attracts will not be tolerated by Police in Pennine Division and we are dedicating significant resources to tacking the problem not only in Burnley but in other areas too like Nelson for example where another drugs operation -- Flourish -- is ongoing.

"Our intention is to stamp out street level drug dealing by targeting all known suppliers and putting them before the courts.

"The success of Operation Monaco proves that we can and will bring drug dealers to justice.

"My advice to local dealers is this: If you aren't already, keep looking over your shoulder because it really is only a matter of time before the police catch up with you.

"Information from the public has proved vital so far and I would ask that people continue to contact the police with information about drug dealing.

"Alternatively, people can contact Crimestoppers free and in confidence on 0800 555 111."