PENSIONER Rose Murphy has no trouble keeping her vehicle in tip-top condition after completing a car maintenance course.

And the 77-year-old grease granny, of Feniscowles, Blackburn, has walked off with a Life Long Learning Award after proving her prowess under the bonnet.

The grandmother received her award during Blackburn College presentation night at Blackburn's King George's Hall.

She laughed: "When I was under the bonnet I heard somebody say they couldn't believe I could change a gasket, especially as I was 77.

"But I don't know why they've given me a prize, it's probably because I was the oldest and it would encourage people."

In any case, the modest grandmother, who has also completed course in art, English, soft furnishing and dress making, said she had other things on her mind -- her granddaughter Shalika is expected to give birth in the next few days.

Rose started two introductory car maintenance courses last year to see if she liked it. She breezed through these ten-week courses and moved onto the 15-week course soon after.

"When I finished school I didn't get the chance to get any certificates and I was determined afterwards to get a bit further. I like the course because I like tinkering with things and I like to mix with other people. The course is made up of women in their 30s and 40s and I like being there.

"They accept me as one of them but they are surprised with what I can do especially as I have spine problems and am registered disabled.

"But I'm not going to sit at home in the chair and wait to die.

"I believe when you get older you should get out and mix with people it keeps you challenged."

The outgoing granny does not plan to retire yet - she has booked a place on another car maintenance course to start in a week's time.

"The course is a social activity and I enjoy it.

"I don't like watching television - the soap operas are not like real life and I only got one recently to watch the Commonwealth Games. It's upstairs now not being used."