A MULTI-MILLION pound scheme to create a state-of-the-art science park next to Blackburn's new super hospital has been unveiled.

Council bosses want to spend £4.25million to kick-start the town's new Medi-Park, between Haslingden Old Road and Shadsworth Road.

They hope to entice science, medical and bio-tech firms onto the site with the aim of creating hundreds of new jobs.

The idea is that the firms can use each other's products as well as feed off each other to build, grow and develop a reputation for Blackburn as a centre of excellence for medical firms.

Feasability studies have shown that the project has the potential to attract £3million of private cash for every £1million of public cash pumped into it to get it started.

Coun Andy Kay, in charge of regeneration at Blackburn with Darwen Council, said: "I wouldn't say this sort of project is unique, but they are few and far between and where they have been done they have been very successful.

"It is important that we continue to attract a diverse range of firms to Blackburn to provide choice for people wanting jobs and a more stable economy."

A £4.25million bid has been put to the North West Development Agency, which decides how Government grants will be spent.

If successful, work on providing the infrastructure on the site will begin as early as next year, with money spent on creating the infrastructure for the park. Then £2.5million of the money will be spent on creating offices and workspace for high-tech small and medium-sized companies. It is hoped that this office complex will act as a catalyst for other firms to come on to the site.

Initally, around 125 jobs are expected to be created there, with hundreds more following as the site expands. It is hoped that the development will also lead to regeneration in the Queen's Park area, with some of the new jobs going to people in that area.

It isn't the only cash injection local industry can expect if the bid to the NWDA is successful -- £3million is being requested to refurbished buildings in Challenge Way to be used by multimedia and digital media firms. Council bosses believe this could create 150 jobs.

An extra £1.5million is being sought to help develop the East Lancashire Gateway, a new business park being created on the Blackburn-Hyndburn border, which will specifically help small businesses start up under the guidance of established business leaders.

It is hoped a university will also set up a site on the campus. The project has already secured £7million European cash.

A further £750,000 is also being bid for to develop a number of new industrial units on the Shadsworth Industrial Estate.