THE WAR on the future of the county's old folk's homes is still being vigorously fought by the opponents of their closure, while on county council's cabinet side, they seem to be keeping their powder dry.

"People will be given full support in their own homes" is the mantra chanted by the highly-salaried councillors! One only need to check on what is supposed to be sheltered accommodation to see that these promises are 'full of emptiness'!

Many sheltered accommodation units are not given 24-hour cover, seven days a week. The reason? 'Financial restraints.'

Should the older generation be confined in their own homes, can county council guarantee that someone who is in physical or mental distress at 2am be given comfort/treatment by the overstretched social services/NHS?

Will they be able to press their 'panic button' midway through the day, should they fancy a game of whist or dominoes or, sin upon sin, just someone to have a chat with?

Obviously, members of the politburo will not need to worry about their own future provision. They have awarded themselves a package of salaries and perks which enables them to put money aside for their dotage.

Consultation? The only people they have consulted are the directors of operations from Labour Party's head office in London! Mind you, should the homes be closed and subsequently sold off, there will be a queue of absentee landlords willing to make themselves into millionaires by accommodating asylum seekers.

During the Second World War, my parents lost brothers and sisters 'doing their bit' for this country and county, only for a lot of overpaid Jobsworth to tell their ex-compatriots-in-war that they are no longer worth their time, space and, more importantly, for the politburo, the costs!

HARRY ROBINSON, Juniper Court, Woodside Road, Accrington.