HAVING read the report (LET, August 30) referring to the enforcement action to be started against the owner of Puccino's Deli Bar in King William Street, Blackburn, I was appalled at the possibility of councillors being urged by the planners to shut down these premises.

A statement was made regarding a "danger of them outnumbering shops and wrecking the vitality of the area." What vitality?

Puccino's adds vitality. It is certainly an improvement on the fast food outlets in the area.

The planners want this shop and other empty shops for retail businesses. Quality retailers have vacated Blackburn leaving empty shops to be taken over by more charity shops and 'here today, gone tomorrow' businesses. Why don't these planners ask the public what variety of business they would like in their town.

If they were to visit busy towns like Bolton and Preston this is where they will find the majority of the local public are travelling to shop. They may ask what do these other towns have that people enjoy. Well, a variety that attracts young people and the more mature shopper, including fast food chains and coffee bars like Puccino's.

This combination works well in other towns. Why not Blackburn? The opening of Puccino's and the money spent on the Church Street and Darwen Street areas portrays a pleasant clean continental look to Blackburn.

This is a start. Now, try enticing some of the equivalent retailers back to Blackburn and accommodate them in the empty premises. We may then have a town that is more appealing to local people and attract more visitors. Puccino's is a start, adding charisma to King William Street shopping area.

Therefore, closing Puccino's down would be a great loss, not only to the owner but to the town. Let's build on this appealing start and with additional quality an variety, Blackburn town centre would have more to offer and perhaps a better chance of gaining city status.

J KENYON (Mrs), Brownhill Road, Blackburn.