A CLASSICAL music lover is organising a charity concert to raise money for a mammoth charity trek across Ecuador.

Nicola Park, 20, of Westbourne Avenue, Burnley, has organised the classical concert to help raise £2,300 for her trip to the Amazon jungle.

She is already half way there after raising more than £1,000 throughout the year for the National Deaf Children's Society.

The former St Hilda's High School pupil is no stranger to raising money for charity, after completing the Great North Run in 2000 for Childline.

The Politics and Journalism student at Salford University said: "I am really looking forward to the challenge of organising the concert, I have done things like this before but this is going to be a really big concert."

Students, past and present, from St Hilda's and Nelson and Colne College are to take part.

"I have also invited a number of people in local ensembles, such as the pianist and violinist, Ria Hopkinson from Burnley Symphony Orchestra to play," said Nicola.

Performers will include Nicola, playing Mozart's Clarinet Duet, along with Shelly Bullas, 22, who is a woodwind teacher for the Lancashire Music Service.

The concert will also feature many other performers as well as young poets from St Hilda's.

Nicola added: "I decided to run a poetry competition so the younger girls could be included in the concert. Poetry is such an aural medium, so it will perfectly complement the musical entertainment."

A raffle will take place on the night and complimentary refreshments will be served at the interval.

Nicola has high hopes for the evening: "I really hope the event will be a success. I have already raised well over £1,000 for the NDCS, which I have done with the help of St Hilda's.

"The concert will be hard work but the trek in Ecuador will be the biggest challenge of my life."

The concert, will take place at St Peter's Church, Church Street, Burnley, on Friday, September 20 from 7.30pm to 9pm.