A DRUNKEN and angry man who injured a woman officer as she tried to get him in a police van has escaped a jail term.

Kevin Gamble, 23, was told by Burnley Magistrates he was being given "one last chance," and that drink seemed to be at the root of his problems.

Gamble, who told police he had had 10 pints and 10 vodkas, had been aggressive and intimidating to police, paramedics and the other driver in a road smash he was involved in.

The defendant, of Accrington Road, Burnley, admitted threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and assault causing actual bodily harm, on June 10. He was given a 12 months community rehabilitation order.

The court had been told how Gamble was a passenger in the road accident. When police arrived, he told them to get the other driver locked up and complained his leg hurt. Gamble was drunk, shouting and swearing and making officers' jobs far more difficult.

The defendant refused to calm down, was restrained, handcuffed and led away to await the police van. He was dragging his leg and limping, but still tried to pull away and was shouting: "I have broken my leg."

An ambulance arrived and the handcuffs were removed to let paramedics have a look at Gamble. He refused to be treated or taken to hospital and was shouting and swearing at them.

The court heard the defendant struggled violently as he was put in the police van and because his leg was sticking out and he would not listen to reason, the woman officer lifted his leg. Gamble kicked out causing her hand to be trapped between the heel of his boot and the van cage.

When he was questioned, he said he had been drinking since 3pm that day in Worsthorne .

He said he could not recall what went on and couldn't remember kicking out but apologised if he did do it.

Graeme Tindall, defending, said Gamble had problems to deal with. He was unable to behave properly when he had too much to drink.

He accepted he had committed a serious offence.