A YOUNG dad given a chance by a judge to behave after attacking his partner was now living a happy family life, a court was told.

Burnley Crown Court heard Christopher Lonsdale's victim was expecting his child and the couple were getting on better.

Lonsdale, 25, had appeared for deferred sentence after being convicted of assault causing actual bodily harm and affray.

Judge Raymond Bennett, who had warned the defendant he would be facing nine months jail if he did not behave, gave him an 18-month community rehabilitation order.

He said Lonsdale must attend the anger management and domestic violence programmes.

The judge said the order was imposed not only for punishment, but so Lonsdale and his partner could lead a more pleasant life.

He told the defendant: " If you feel angry, take a deep breath and go into another room."

The court had been told how Lonsdale, of Hardman Avenue, Rawtenstall, felt the situation at the family home had now calmed down considerably and he and his partner were finding it much more easy to communicate.

Judith McCullough, defending, said perhaps finally the defendant accepted he needed some help for his behaviour.

He now had some insight into the reasons behind his actions and the courses available to him.